Sunday, November 4, 2007

Connection to database Ms. Access

Option Explicit
Public con As New ADODB.Connection
Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Public cmd As New ADODB.Command
Public sql As String

Public Sub Errror()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
End Sub

Public Sub eksekusi(sql As String)
Set rs = New Recordset
rs.Open sql, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
End Sub

Public Sub konek()
On Error GoTo erroro
Dim strpath As String
strpath = App.Path & "\bbm.mdb"
con = New Connection
con.Open ("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & Trim(strpath) & "")
erroro: Errror
End Sub

Public Function Valid(frm As Form, bnan As Boolean) As Integer
On Error GoTo ada
Valid = 0
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then
If bnan Then
If ctl.Text = "" Then
Valid = Valid + 1
Exit For
End If
ctl.Text = ""
End If
End If
ada: Errror
End Function

Public Sub tampildg(dg As DataGrid, ad As Adodc, query As String)
On Error GoTo ada
Dim i As Integer
With ad
.ConnectionString = con
.RecordSource = query
Set dg.DataSource = ad
.Caption = "Banyaknya Data: " & ad.Recordset.RecordCount
End With
For i = 0 To dg.Columns.Count - 1
dg.Columns(i).Caption = Replace(dg.Columns(i).Caption, "_", " ", 1, Len(dg.Columns(i).Caption), vbTextCompare)
dg.Columns(i).Caption = StrConv(dg.Columns(i).Caption, vbProperCase)
ada: Errror
End Sub

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

about Wi-Fi

A Wi-Fi enabled device such as a PC, game console, cell phone, MP3 player or PDA can connect to the Internet when within range of a wireless network connected to the Internet. The area covered by one or more interconnected access points is called a hotspot. Hotspots can cover as little as a single room with wireless-opaque walls or as much as many square miles covered by overlapping access points. Wi-Fi can also be used to create a mesh network. Both architectures are used in community networks.[citation needed]

Wi-Fi also allows connectivity in peer-to-peer (wireless ad-hoc network) mode, which enables devices to connect directly with each other. This connectivity mode is useful in consumer electronics and gaming applications.

When the technology was first commercialized there were many problems because consumers could not be sure that products from different vendors would work together. The Wi-Fi Alliance began as a community to solve this issue so as to address the needs of the end user and allow the technology to mature. The Alliance created the branding Wi-Fi CERTIFIED to show consumers that products are interoperable with other products displaying the same branding.

Many consumer devices use Wi-Fi. Amongst others, personal computers can network to each other and connect to the Internet, mobile computers can connect to the Internet from any Wi-Fi hotspot, and digital cameras can transfer images wirelessly.

Routers which incorporate a DSL or cable modem and a Wi-Fi access point are often used in homes and other premises, and provide Internet access and internetworking to all devices connected wirelessly or by cable into them. Devices supporting Wi-Fi can also be connected in ad-hoc mode for client-to-client connections without a router.

Business and industrial Wi-Fi is widespread as of 2007. In business environments, increasing the number of Wi-Fi access points provides redundancy, support for fast roaming and increased overall network capacity by using more channels or creating smaller cells. Wi-Fi enables wireless voice applications (VoWLAN or WVOIP). Over the years, Wi-Fi implementations have moved toward 'thin' access points, with more of the network intelligence housed in a centralized network appliance, relegating individual Access Points to be simply 'dumb' radios. Outdoor applications may utilize true mesh topologies. As of 2007 Wi-Fi installations can provide a secure computer networking gateway, firewall, DHCP server, intrusion detection system, and other functions.

In addition to restricted use in homes and offices, Wi-Fi is publicly available at Wi-Fi hotspots provided either free of charge or to subscribers to various providers. Free hotspots are often provided by businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and airports who offer the service to attract or assist clients. Sometimes free Wi-Fi is provided by enthusiasts, or by organizations or authorities who wish to promote business in their area. Metropolitan-wide WiFi (Mu-Fi) already has more than 300 projects in process.[1]


Memasang motherboard bukanlah sesuatu yang sulit. Tidak diperlukan ijasah ataupun kecerdasan jenius untuk dapat melakukannya. Melainkan hanya perlu membutuhkan ketelitian dan kemauan. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut, akan kami berikan panduan untuk Anda.

1. Perhatian khusus untuk jumper.
Sampai sekarang ini memang tidak ada standar layout untuk jumper pada motherboard. Hal ini dikarenakan industri produsen motherboard, memiliki desain layout tersendiri. Meskipun tidak mencolok antara masing-masing produsen. Namun, untuk Anda yang baru kali pertama memasang motherboard, kami sarankan untuk membaca buku manualnya. Karena tidak semua produk motherboard, memiliki penjelasan text yang tertera jelas pada PCB motherboard. Jangan menebak-nebak untuk hal ini.

2. Teknologi sekrup.
Cukup sulit untuk menentukan kategori yang tepat untuk hal ini. Sebelum memasang motherboard, kebanyakan casing dilengkapi sekrup yang cukup banyak. Optimalkan penggunaannya. Usahakan semua titik lubang pengikat motherboard terpasang sekrup. Dengan demikian, motherboard dapat terpasang dengan lekat di casing. Namun tentunya jangan asal pasang. Sesuaikan panjang dan ukuran sekrup sesuai dengan lubang yang digunakan.

3. Gunakan I/O Shield.
Sebuah plat besi yang berfungsi untuk menutup celah yang terdapat antara input/ouput konektor dari motherboard. Dengan memasangkan plat besi tersebut, selain komputer akan terlihat rapi, komputer juga akan lebih tertutup sehingga tidak dimasuki oleh kotoran atau serangga. I/O Shield biasanya disediakan pada paket penjualan sebuah motherboard. Bentuknya yang spesifik, disesuaikan dengan ketersedian I/O pada produk motherboard yang bersangkutan. Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan I/O shield untuk motherboard lain, karena dapat menghalangi I/O yang tersedia.

4. Pilih port yang tepat.
Asumsi bahwa dengan memasangkan SATA atau PATA drive ke dalam sembarang konektor akan membuat sistem Anda bisa booting. Beberapa motherboard menyediakan RAID controller untuk SATA/PATA. Untuk ini, membutuhkan driver yang biasanya disertakan dalam sebuah disket. Anda harus menginstalnya terlebih dahulu baru Windows XP Anda bisa booting. Anda juga harus melakukan setting-an terlebih dahulu dari dalam BIOS dan mengalamatkan RAID untuk bisa digunakan pada harddisk PATA.

5. Sesuaikan RAM.
Sebelumnya banyak orang yang mengatakan bahwa untuk menjalankan dual-channel, cukup dengan cara memasang memory sesuai dengan warnanya. Jika Anda memasang memory pertama pada slot berwarna biru, memory kedua pun harus demikian. Namun bagaimana jika motherboard tersebut memiliki 4 slot memory dengan warna yang sama? Jawabannya bisa Anda temukan pada buku manual motherboard tersebut. Jika Anda tidak mendapatkan konfigurasi yang tepat untuk dual-channel memory tersebut, kemungkinan besar sistem akan mengalami penurunan kinerja yang cukup signifikan.

6. Gunakan power konektor yang sesuai.
Pada motherboard keluaran terbaru menggunakan konektor yang berbeda dengan yang terdahulu. Oleh karena itu, pasang semua konektor power yang ada sesuai dengan yang terdapat di motherboard, jangan pernah menggabungkan dua power ke dalam satu konektor, karena bisa menyebabkan kerusakan yang fatal.

7. Pemasangan processor.
Ini adalah bagian yang tersulit dalam pemasangan motherboard. Karena jika Anda salah memasangnya bukan tidak mungkin processor Anda akan rusak. Pada motherboard lama, Anda membutuhkan alat bantu obeng untuk melepaskan pengait heatsink. Dan tak sedikit yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang tinggi. Karenanya jika Anda masih menggunakan motherboard dengan socket lama (Socket A, dan socket 478) harus berhati-hati. Pada motherboard sekarang (socket 775, 754, dan 939) bisa dibilang bisa langsung dipasang tanpa harus menggunakan alat bantu obeng. Pengait heatsink jauh lebih mudah dioperasikan, dibanding processor jaman dulu.

Friday, October 5, 2007

ccna2 modul 5

The commands shown in the graphic were entered to alter the startup sequence 
of the router. On the next reload, which IOS will be loaded?
The router will load c2500-js-l.112-26d.
The router will load c2500-d-l.120-9.
The router will load the IOS from ROM.
*** The router will boot into ROM monitor mode.*
2 Where does a router look for boot system statements?
*** NVRAM *
3 Which of the following are steps in saving a router configuration file to 
a TFTP server? (Choose three.)
Enter configuration mode.
*** Enter the IP address to the TFTP server. *
*** Use the copy running-config tftp command. *
Use the copy tftp running-config command.
*** Name the configuration file or accept the default name. *
4 Routers have different types of memory. Choose the answer that describes 
flash memory.
provides working storage
*** stores a fully functional IOS image *
stores the startup configuration file
initializes the code used to boot the router
5 Which command is used to change the order in which the router looks for 
system bootstrap information?
*** config-register *
config system bootstrap
6 Which of the following can be configured as a source for the IOS image by 
using the boot system command? (Choose two.)
*** TFTP server *
HTTP server
Telnet server
*** Flash memory *
NVRAM memory
7 Which two items below are required by routers in order for them to perform 
their basic operations? (Choose two.)
a tftp server
*** a configuration file *
a configuration register file
*** an operating system file *
a DNS table
8 The router has been configured with a valid configuration file. Which of 
the following could be a cause for a router not booting normally? (Choose 
*** The flash image is corrupt. *
A console cable is disconnected.
The flash image is located in NVRAM.
The startup configuration file is incomplete.
*** The router encountered a hardware error. *
9 The Cisco IOS image naming convention allows identification of different 
versions and capabilities of the IOS. What information can be gained from 
the filename c2600-d-mz.121-4? (Choose two.)
The "mz" in the filename represents the special capabilities and features of 
the IOS.
The file is uncompressed and requires 2.6 MB of RAM to run.
*** The software is version 12.1, 4th revision. *
The file is downloadable and 121.4MB in size.
*** The IOS is for the Cisco 2600 series hardware platform. *
10 Which part of the configuration register indicates the location of the 
the bootstrap
*** the boot field *
the IOS locator
the system image loader
11 If a router cannot find a valid configuration file during the startup 
sequence, what will occur?
The startup sequence will reset.
*** The router will prompt the user for a response to enter setup mode. *
The startup sequence will halt until a valid configuration file is acquired.
The router will generate a default configuration file based on the last 
valid configuration.
The router will monitor local traffic to determine routing protocol 
configuration requirements.
12 What command can be used in ROM monitor mode to run the IOS image in 
rommon1> config-register 0x2102
*** rommon1> boot flash:filename *
rommon1> xmodem:filename
rommon1> boot system flash:filename
rommon1> reload system flash:
13 What does a configuration register setting of 0x2102 indicate on a 
It tells the router to locate and load the IOS from NVRAM.
It tells the router to locate and load the IOS from FLASH.
*** It tells the router to bypass the configuration in NVRAM. *
It tells the router to look in the startup configuration for boot system 
14 Routers have different types of memory. Choose the answer that describes 
provides working storage
stores a fully functional IOS image
*** stores the startup configuration file *
initializes the code that is used to boot the router
15 Which command will move configuration files among RAM, NVRAM and a TFTP 
*** copy *
16 Which command will copy an IOS image from a TFTP server to a router?
*** Router# copy tftp flash *
Router# copy flash tftp
Router(config)# copy tftp flash
Router(config)# copy flash tftp
17 If the configuration register instructs a router to look for 
configuration information in NVRAM and no boot system commands exist there, 
from where will the router next attempt to boot the IOS?
*** FLASH *
18 An IOS image can be copied into flash from a TFTP server. Which of the 
following statements are true regarding this process? (Choose three.)
*** A series of "!'s" are displayed as the image is downloaded successfully to 
flash. *
The copy tftp flash:filename ip address command is used to copy the IOS from 
the server to flash.
*** After the new flash image is downloaded, it is verified. *
*** A series of "e's" are displayed as the current IOS image is erased from 
flash. *
Flash must be cleared with the erase command prior to beginning the download 
19 If boot system commands have been configured, which of the following 
could happen if a router fails to obtain an IOS image from the primary 
sources during bootup?
*** The router will load a subset of a full IOS version from system ROM. *
The router will attempt to reboot two times before failing.
The router will load the last good IOS image from NVRAM.
The administrator will be prompted to load a valid IOS image.

ccna2 modul 4

1 To obtain CDP information from a Cisco router that is not directly connected to the administrator's console, what must happen?

The source router must send TLV blocks to the remote router.
*** The administrator can Telnet to a Cisco device that is connected to the remote router. *
The administrator needs to issue the Router# show cdp all to view the entire network CDP advertisements.
The administrator must transmit TTL packets to the remote device and wait for a response.
2 Which of the following are displayed by the Router# show cdp neighbors command? (Choose three.)

*** platform *
*** local interface *
3 What command enables CDP on the interface of a router?

*** Router(config-if)# cdp enable *
Router(config-if)# cdp run
Router(config-if)# cdp start
Router(config-if)# cdp config
4 An administrator is attempting to enable CDP on the interface of a Cisco router. After issuing the command Router(config-if)# cdp enable, the router responds with an error stating that CDP is not active. What might be the problem?

The cdp enable command must be issued from the global mode prompt.
The administrator needed to issue the command Router(config-if)# cdp run.
*** CDP has not been configured globally. *
The administrator did not manually enter the CDP neighbors into the CDP table.
Which of the following is true regarding CDP and the graphic shown?

CDP running on Router D will gather information about routers A, B, C, and E.
*** By default, Router A will receive CDP advertisements from routers B and C.*
If routers D and E are running different routing protocols, they will not exchange CDP information.
Router E can use CDP to identify the IOS running on Router B.
The traceroute command was used to trace the path between routers A and D. What would an output display of three asterisks (***) indicate?

The command was issued from the wrong prompt.
Each datagram was successfully sent.
*** One of the routers is unreachable.*
There are three hops between source and destination.
7 For which of the following network layer protocols does CDP provide information? (Choose three.)

*** IP *
*** AppleTalk *
*** IPX *
Which command will produce the output shown in the graphic?

*** show cdp *
show cdp neighbors
show cdp neighbors detail
show cdp detail
show cdp traffic
9 What is the purpose of the cdp timer command?

specifies the hold time to be sent in the CDP update packet
resets the traffic counters back to zero
*** specifies how often the Cisco IOS software sends CDP updates *
deletes and resets the CDP table of information about neighbors
10 What is the main use of Telnet?

transfer of data between end users
verification of simple connectivity
routing of data packets
*** remote connection to network devices *
11 Transmitting type length values (TLVs) inside advertisements is a process used by CDP to provide information about neighboring devices. What information is displayed by these TLVs? (Choose three.)

*** interface information of the connected device *
all networks connected to the neighboring device
*** name of the connected device *
routing protocol used on the neighboring device
*** holdtime for advertisements *
12 Why would an administrator use the Telnet application when troubleshooting a network? (Choose three.)

*** It can be used to verify the operation of application layer software between the source and destination.*
Telnet can use the ICMP protocol to verify a hardware connection and network layer address.
*** It is the most complete testing mechanism available. *
*** Remote networks may be accessed via a Telnet session for troubleshooting. *
Time to Live values are used by Telnet to identify a failure of device between source and destination.
An administrator logged into Workstation 2 initiates a Telnet session to GAD. The administrator then telnets from GAD to BHM. What will happen if the Enter key is pressed at the privileged mode prompt after the session with BHM is suspended?

The GAD session will be resumed.
*** The BHM session will be resumed. *
The GAD session will be terminated.
The BHM session will be terminated.
Pings between Atlanta and Dallas are successful. If a hostname table or DNS connection is not available, which command will successfully establish a remote connection from Atlanta to Dallas via Telnet?

Atlanta> connect Dallas
*** Atlanta> *
Atlanta# telnet Dallas
15 A network administrator was called away from the terminal while using Telnet to monitor a remote router. The Telnet session was left connected. If the default Telnet configuration is used, what will the administrator find upon returning 15 minutes later?

The Telnet session entered a "sleep" state and will resume when the spacebar is pressed.
The Telnet session remained connected and is on the same screen it was left on.
The Telnet session suspended itself and will resume when the Enter key is pressed.
*** The Telnet session terminated itself after 10 minutes of inactivity. *
The Telnet session remained active but now requires the password to be entered again
16 What key sequence is used to suspend a Telnet session on a remote router?

*** Ctrl-Shift-6, then x *
Ctrl-Alt-6, then x
17 An administrator can successfully ping between the Lubbock and Memphis routers. The command Lubbock# telnet Memphis is entered but the Memphis router cannot be reached. What are possible reasons for this failure? (Choose two.)

*** The Lubbock router does not have any entries in its host table.*
Lubbock is not an entry in the host table of the Memphis router.
*** Access to a DNS server is not available. *
The hostname command was not configured correctly on the Memphis router.
The hostname command was not configured correctly on the Lubbock router.
18 How many Telnet sessions can take place simultaneously on a router running a standard edition of the IOS?

*** 5 *
19 How can a network administrator logged in to RTA gather information about the Cisco devices that are directly connected to its neighbor, RTB?

Use the show cdp neighbors detail command on RTA to view information about every device on the entire internetwork.
Use ping to determine the status of RTB, then issue the show cdp neighbors detail command.
*** Use Telnet to connect to RTB, then issue the show cdp neighbors command. *
Use traceroute to establish the pathway to RTB, then issue the show cdp neighbors command

ccna 2 modul 3

1  Why is it important to create standards for network consistency? (Choose three.)
*** reduces network complexity *
increases unplanned downtime 
*** limits unplanned downtime *
increases bandwidth by regulating networking performance 
*** limits events that may impact network performance * 
2 A telnet session can be established when using the IP address of a router but not the name of the router. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the problem?
*** an incorrect host table entry *
an incorrect ARP table entry 
an incorrect routing table entry 
an incorrect protocol configured 
an incorrect subnet mask 
The serial connection shown in the graphic needs to be configured. Which configuration commands must be made on the Sydney router to establish connectivity with the Melbourne site? (Choose three.)
Sydney(config-if)# ip address 
Sydney(config-if)# no shutdown *
*** Sydney(config-if)# ip address *
*** Sydney(config-if)# clock rate 56000 *
Sydney(config-if)# ip host Melbourne 
4 Which commands display information about the IOS or configuration files stored in router memory? (Choose three.)
Router# show ram 
*** Router# show flash *
Router# show hosts 
Router# show history 
*** Router# show version *
*** Router# show startup-config *
5 Select the interface descriptions that provide the most appropriate information. (Choose two.)
circuit number 
*** host IP address *
*** telnet password *
number of hops between routers 
purpose and location of the interface 
6 Select the commands necessary to remove any existing configuration on a router. (Choose two.)
delete flash 
*** erase startup-config *
*** erase running-config *
delete NVRAM 
7 Router names are associated with IP addresses. What is the name of the table that is created by this association?
IP table 
SAP table 
ARP table 
MAC table 
*** HOST table *
RARP table 
8 Select the commands that will store the current configuration file to a network TFTP server? (Choose two.)
Router# copy run tftp 
Router# copy tftp run 
*** Router# copy running-config tftp *
*** Router# copy tftp running-config *
Router(config)# copy running-config tftp 
Router(config)# copy tftp running-config 
9 Which statements are true regarding the recommended use of login banners? (Choose two.)
*** They should be used to display information regarding system changes or maintenance. *
*** They should be used to display warnings to unauthorized users. *
They should be used to display welcome messages prior to login. 
They should be seen only by system administrators. 
They should provide confirmation of incoming IP addresses. 
10 What is the effect of the command ip host HQ
permits a ping to with the command ping HQ 
assigns the description HQ to the interface with the ip address 
renames the router as HQ 
defines a static route to the host 
*** configures the remote device HQ with the ip address of *
11 What are the default settings for a serial interface? (Choose three.)
*** DTE *
*** shutdown *
*** no IP address *
clock rate 56000 
encapsulation ARPA 
12 What will be the response from the router after the command, "router(config)# hostname portsmouth" is entered?
*** portsmouth(config)# *
invalid input detected 
hostname = portsmouth
? command not recognized
13 A network administrator wants to assure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text in the configuration files. Which commands will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
Router(config)#enable cisco secret 
Router(config)#enable cisco 
*** Router(config)#service password-encryption *
*** Router(config)#enable secret cisco *
Router(config)#encrypt-all cisco 
Router(config)#service encryption-password 
14 Which command sequence will permit access to all five router virtual terminal lines with a password of cisco?
Router(config-line)#config telnet
Router(config-line)# line vty 0 5
Router(config-line)# password cisco
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config)# password cisco
*** Router(config)# line vty 0 4*
Router(config-line)# password cisco
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# config telnet
Router(config-line)# password cisco 
Router(config-line)# sessions 0 4
15 An IP network is to be added to a router Ethernet interface. What steps must be performed to configure this interface to allow connectivity to the hosts on this LAN? (Choose two.)
*** Enter the command no shutdown. *
A password must be set on the interface. 
The interface DCE clock rate must be set. 
The interface must be configured for virtual terminal access. 
*** The interface must be configured with an IP address and subnet mask. *
The router must be put in setup mode in order for the interface to be configured. 
16 What is the default state of the interfaces on a router?
up, line protocol down 
*** down, line protocol down *
adminstratively down, line protocol down 
up, line protocol up 
17 Which are valid router prompts? (Choose three.)
*** Router(config)# *
*** Router(config-router)# *
*** Router(config-if)# *
18 Select the correct sequence of commands that will configure "Engineering LAN" as the interface description on the Ethernet0 interface.
1)Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface e0 description Engineering LAN 
*** 2)Router# configure terminal*
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# description Engineering LAN 
3)Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# interface description Engineering LAN 
4)Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# description Engineering LAN 
19 Select the recommended locations to save a running-config file. (Choose three.)
all network hosts 
*** network server *
*** floppy disk *
*** TFTP server *
server that is not on the network 
20 Which command turns on a router interface?
Router(config-if)# enable 
Router(config-if)# no down 
Router(config-if)# s0 active 
Router(config-if)# interface up 
*** Router(config-if)# no shutdown *
21 Passwords can be used to restrict access to all or parts of the Cisco IOS. Select the modes and interfaces that can be protected with passwords. (Choose three.)
*** VTY interface *
*** console interface *
Ethernet interface 
secret EXEC mode 
*** privileged EXEC mode *
router configuration mode 
22 What must be configured to establish a serial link between two routers that are directly connected?
a clock rate on the DTE interface 
a no clock rate command on the DTE interface 
no configuration is required 
*** a clock rate on the DCE interface *

ccna 1 modul 8

1 What is characteristic of the operation of a Layer 2 switch?
***uses the destination MAC address to determine the specific interface to forward a frame***

2 Two newly hired technicians are discussing the implementation of a new LAN. One technician proposes installing a hub. The other technician advises installing a switch. Which statements are true about the differences between a hub and a switch? (Choose two.)
***A switch provides more throughput to hosts on a LAN ***
***A switch provides a collision-free environment on a LAN. ***

3 Refer to the exhibit. Forty-eight workstations are connected to a hub. The users are able to connect to the network, but access is very slow. An entry-level technician replaces the 10 Mbps hub with 100 Mbps hub but the problem still exists. What is the most economical way to correct the problem?
***Replace the hub with a switch. ***

4 Exhibited is a portion of ABC Company internetwork. Which of the connections can be full duplex?
***segments 2, 3, and 4 ***

5 Refer to the exhibit. The switch and the hub have default configurations, and the switch has built its CAM table. Which of the hosts will receive the data when workstation A sends a unicast packet to workstation C?
***workstation C ***

6 An administrator would like to connect ten workstations on a network. The device selected by the administrator must allow connectivity between hosts without sharing bandwidth. Which device would be appropriate?

7 Which networking devices use the MAC address to make forwarding decisions? (Choose two.)
***bridge ***
***switch ***

8 Which devices are primarily used to extend cable segments within a collision domain by regenerating the data signals? (Choose two.)

9 Which devices will create multiple collision domains in an Ethernet network? (Choose two.)
***router ***

10 Refer to the exhibit. How many broadcast domains exist in classroom 240?
***1 ***

11 A PC receives a frame. Which situation will cause the NIC on the receiving host to pass the frame contents up the OSI layers to be processed by the PC?
***The destination MAC address of the frame is FFFF.FFFF.FFFF. ***

12 A network administrator has a multi-floor LAN to monitor and maintain. Through careful monitoring, the administrator has noticed a large amount of broadcast traffic slowing the network. Which device would you use to best solve this problem?
***router ***

13 What will a bridge do if it receives a frame with a MAC address that is not within the table?
***send frame to all ports except source port ***

14 Which networking device reduces the size of both collision domains and broadcast domains?
***router ***

15 What is used to prevent Layer 2 switching loops?
***Spanning-Tree Protocol***

type table mysql

Budhi Hartono



è MyISAM adalah default storage engine pada MySQL.

è MyISAM mengatur non-transactional tabel. Engine ini dapat melakukan penyimpanan dan pengambilan data dengan cepat.

è MyISAM memiliki beberapa karakteristik sebagai berikut:

- Seperti panjang key maksimum adalah 1000 bytes, maksimum jumlah kolom per indeks adalah 16.

- Nilai numerik disimpan pada high byte sehingga dapat melakukan kompresi secara lebih baik, dapat melakukan AUTO_INCREMENT, dan masih banyak yang lainnya, yang tidak akan kita bahas satu per satu di sini.

- Dapat menaruh data file dan index file dalam direktori yang berbeda untuk meningkatkan kecepatan akses.

è Tidak semua tabel mendukung transaksi (MyISAM tidak mendukung transaksi, jadi COMMIT dan ROLLBACK tidak melakukan sesuatu yang semestinya jika menerapkan pada tabel MyISAM)

è pola aksesnya telah disesuaikan dan dioptimasi untuk pola akses SQL.

è MyISAM mendukung indeks pada kolom bertipe TEXT dan BLOB, serta mendukung tipe indeks FULLTEXT.


default dari jenis tabel yang di gunakan dalam mysql


è MERGE dapat mengatur beberapa tabel MyISAM sebagai sebuah tabel tunggal.

è MERGE memiliki beberapa karakteristik sebagai berikut:

§ Menggunakan 100% dynamic hashing untuk operasi insert, sehingga lebih hemat karena tidak perlu tempat tambahan untuk menyimpan key.

§ Kita dapat memiliki non-unique keys di tabel MERGE

§ Dapat memiliki NULL values, menggunakan panjang yang tetap dalam hal penyimpanan, kolom tidak bisa mengandung BLOB atau TEXT.


è InnoDB menghasilkan transaction-safe table. Maksud dari transaction safe table adalah tabel yang memiliki kemampuan commit, rollback, crash recovery. Namun dengan kemampuan yang tersebut, tentu saja ada overhead yang dimiliki.Kita dapat mengaktifkan atau menon-aktifkan engine bertipe ini.

è InnoDB melakukan row-level locking

è database-database InnoDB disimpan bersama dalam daerah disk yang disebut tablespace

è InnoDB memiliki fitur transaksi dengan sistem multiversi. Artinya, jika sebuah klien memulai transaksi, maka perubahan yang dilakukan klien tersebut tidak akan terlihat oleh klien lain.

è row-level locking yang disediakan InnoDB, sehingga mempertinggi konkurensi dan mencegah terlalu banyak bloking.

è InnoDB menambahkan foreign key constraint, sesuatu yang sering didambakan pengguna MySQL karena bisa menyederhanakan logika pemrograman dan menjaga kekonsistenan database.


è Singkatan dari BerkeleyDB

è BDB menghasilkan transaction-safe table.

è BerkeleyDB, yang pertama kali menambahkan kemampuan transaksi pada MySQL.

è Tabel tipe BerkeleyDB, atau BDB, menggunakan database embedded BerkeleyDB yang sudah terkenal itu untuk memanfaatkan kemampuan transaksinya.

è handler BDB, MySQL naik statusnya menjadi database yang ACID compliant, sesuatu yang amat penting bagi keamanan data.


è HEAP dapat mengimplementasikan B/B+ tree dan hash dimana B/B+ tree.

è Merupakan Memory storage engine

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